Online Divination On Four Runes

To be a professional Runologist you need to get trained and learn the meaning of all the runes. But if you do not have your own Runes and you are interested in this topic, below is a free online fortune-telling on 4 runes.

Always before divination, you should be in a positive mood and have good health. Very respectful and serious it is necessary to concern to runes, runes cannot be given or lend to other people. Many professional Runologist assert that Runes cannot show without need.

If you are divination real Runes, take a bag of runes in your right hand and focus on the question, then gently arrange the symbols on the table. Right hand slowly rotates the runes clockwise until you feel that it's time to find out the answer to your question.

Now it's time to choose the Runes, but before choosing, focus on the question so that the Runes feel your energy. Thinking about the question of interest and getting ready for the choice. In divination, ask Runes for them to reveal a secret to you, without hiding anything. Close your eyes and you should have a feeling of ascending heat, cold, tingling and other vibrations. When you feel the energy of the runes, you can take turns pulling the Runes and look at the meaning.

Now it's time to choose the Runes, but before choosing, focus on the question so that the Runes feel your energy. Thinking about the question of interest and getting ready for the choice. In divination, ask Runes for them to reveal a secret to you, without hiding anything. Close your eyes and you should have a feeling of ascending heat, cold, tingling and other vibrations. When you feel the energy of the runes, you can take turns pulling the Runes and look at the meaning.

The runes that you chose are your energy from past times to the present and the future.

What does your choice mean?

- The first rune chosen - answers the question of what the problem is.

- The second rune - indicates the cause of the emergence of a difficult situation, shows what actions led to it.

- The third rune - determines the direction of your events.

- The fourth rune - will show the most profitable way to solve the problem.

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Please choose four Runes

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