Numerology Love Compatibility

It's no secret that every person has their own unique destiny. Even twins, who were born on the same day and from the same parents, also have different fates. We are all different, body and soul, each person has its own unique character.

It is no secret that every person the question arises - I'm compatible with this person, and how to find out a person's character which you like?

There is a lot of science that may characterize a person. Palmistry science recognizes character of the human palm. Physiognomy Science guesses human character of on facial features; this science can be compared to a lie detector. Some people believe in tarot cards, runes and other esoteric sciences. As you can see there are many ways to find out a person's character.

Thanks to science Numerology can find compatibility between two people. According to Numerology, each man has his destiny number, and if the two halves we will get Numerology love.

To learn numerology love, you need to know the date of birth two partners.

For example
I (wife) was born on 04/25/1993
Date of Birth divide separately at the numbers and do as an example.

Numerology Date Of Death

In numerology need to add numbers to get one number.

Numerology Date Of Death

Now we know that wife number 6 private number fates.
Similarly, we learn by the number of husband.
For example the date of birth 16.12.1991

Numerology Date Of Death

In numerology, zero is always deleted, respectively; number 3 a private number of a husband.

To find out the compatibility of the partners looking at the table

Numerology Date Of Death

Numerology Date Of Death

Strong and mutual love between the partners. Excellent compatibility on a spiritual level. Passionate love between partners, but unfortunately sometimes jealousy and disagreement when buying of material things.

Numerology Date Of Death

Unfortunately passionate feelings eventually become not strong, and will be a sense of responsibility from love. In just a few years of marriage, a couple is waiting for parting, because they are two different halves.

Numerology Date Of Death

These two halves are not only feeling each other passionate feeling; they also have good friendly relations. Sometimes, these people first become friends, and in a few years to understand that they are already love each other. A lot of common interests, same goal in life and reciprocal relationship. In numerology love - this is the perfect couple for a family.

Numerology Date Of Death

Between the partners, is absent emotional attachment, they are more interested in sex and personal gain. Physically couple fit together but infinite betrayal and disputes will cool relationship. Such a marriage lasts for several years, eventually everyone finds another partner who has a lot of mutual interests.

Numerology Date Of Death

Between partners there is distrust, there is also passionate feelings but without mutual relationship. Each of the partners is looking for a benefit. One spouse may betray the beloved half but the one who will betray, do so that no one would know. The main objective of the spouses, it is the education of children, so the couple did not divorce, is the only reason that unites them. If the pair will be a childless, behind some time couple gets divorced.

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