Marriage Line Palmistry

Palmistry is a complex science that people will always learn and I want to tell you at once that you are very much mistaken if you think that in 5 minutes you will receive an answer to the question - when will I get married?

A person can have one, two or three lines on his hand and remain a bachelor throughout his life. Therefore, the line of marriage according to Palmistry is called a line of attachment or a line of love.

Remember one rule, if you look at the palm of your hand, never draw a conclusion on one line of marriage, as on the remaining lines there may be signs of unsuccessful love. For example, on the hand can have a long clear line of marriage, but on the line life or on the line heart there may be islands or points that indicate an unsuccessful love affair, but we'll talk about this a little later.

Everyone who has become interested in palmistry, first of all asks the following questions:

How many years will I live? When will I become rich? When will I marry and where on the hand is the marriage line? Well, let's now study in more detail the last question.

On the hand of a person under the little finger, there may be one or two clear lines of marriage, but there are people who do not have marriage lines.

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Before we begin to study all the variants of the marriage line, in the figure below you can see in how many years you meet a loved one.

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The meaning of the marriage lines.

- One long marriage line - means a strong attachment to a person. Such a person will always take care second favorite half, because the well-being of the family is paramount.

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- One short marriage line - indicates a weak attachment. Anyone who has such a line is not able to create strong and mutual relations, a person arrogant and selfish, in most cases for such a person money is more important than family and spiritual values.

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- Two or three long marriage lines - mean strong attachment to another person and throughout life a person will experience strong feelings of love for several people. I want to draw attention to the fact that two lines of marriage do not always mean that a man will marry two or three times, a marriage can be one but a strong love for several people will surely happen.

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- Two or three short marriage lines - mean no long love relationships. It is very difficult for such a person to create strong love relationships, since such a person in the partner notices the shortcomings that irritate him. The number line does not indicate the number of marriages, but in some cases the lines coincide with the number of marriages.

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- A fork on the marriage line - means divorce or separation. Who has a fork on hand, through his fault, will be separated. Fork means for a parallel relationship, so choose a life partner who does not have a fork on the marriage line, because this is a bad sign.

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- A break in the marriage line is a bad sign and can mean a divorce or a break in the relationship, but after a while the love relationship is renewed.

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- Parallel marriage lines - talk about parallel love relationships.

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- Island or point on the marriage line - in Palmistry is considered a bad sign, it is a problem in the family or stagnation of the relationship. A person often experiences depression and feelings of loneliness.

marriage line

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