Love compatibility

We know that a strong love partners should have common interests, and if interests coincide, love couple lives happily ever after. That's what scientists believe but Palmistry has a different explanation.

The famous film company BBC has made an experiment. Scientists wanted to find out the love compatibility between the partners, and the film company has invited 40 lonely people. The result was inconsolable, with 40 people loving couples did not work out. Now is possible to conclude that the material values and appearance do not become the main factor to get a love couple. Therefore, there are spiritual qualities, principles and traditions, thanks to which people create a family.

With the help of Palmistry we can find love compatibility. On the palm of a person present location of the line of attachment, also this line and some people called the line of marriage. In some people under the pinky finger, you can see one, two or three lines of attachment.

Mount of Neptune Palmistry

Lines can be long and short. Short line is interpreted like not strong spiritual attachment, and long lines indicate a strong attachment to a partner on the spiritual level. Naturally, we can conclude that a man with a long a line attachment often able to forgive mistakes partner than one that has a short line attachment. The number of lines - not indicate the number of marriages and sexual partners, the line only talk about spiritual attachment to the loving partner.

Now consider the options for two people, and determine the compatibility with the help of Palmistry.

Very are rarely found such people, who do not have a line of attachment. Such a person is aimed at material values and selfishness. In most cases, these people achieve their goals and at odds with a partner and seek another life partner.

In the first stages of marriage between people there are passionate feelings of love, but behind some time the love of the partner becomes several times smaller. Between the partners often arise a misunderstanding. In palmistry it is not very high love compatibility, around 30%.

Mount of Neptune Palmistry

A couple where one partner is not a line of attachment and the second has attachment is one line - throughout life together will be a little misunderstanding. This man, who does not have attachment line throughout his life, will look for material benefits from their partner.

Such a person lives for his own pleasure and often does spiritual pain its second half, and sometimes betrayal and abuse of alcohol. A person with one line of attachment will be the complete opposite, for him the meaning of life - it is a family, children, and comfort in the house. People with one attachment line belong to the category monogamous; they remain true to their beloved one and are ready to forgive infidelity. This union is hardly ideal, and in love Palmistry Compatibility 60%.

Mount of Neptune Palmistry

We now know the human characteristic that does not have a line attachment, so let's get to the characteristics of the person who has two lines attachment and find out love compatibility. Two lines attachment do not point to a divorce or to will marry twice.

In palmistry no lines of marriage, only the number of strong love. So do not confuse marriage with lines of attachment. As you may have guessed the first line attachment indicated on unfortunate love. Such a man will find happiness with a second love. The length of the line indicates the power of love to the partner. The example shows that the second attachment will be stronger than the first, though the line may be identical. Compatibility partners 60%

Mount of Neptune Palmistry

Very interesting combination when two people are connected, where the first has three or more lines of attachment, and the second person does not have a line of attachment. We know that a person who does not have the line of attachment, very selfish, so we move on to another person.

In palmistry, the person who has three or more lines of attachment very quickly falls in love. Such people throughout their lives can have many love partners and feel emotional pain but it is a very emotional person and good lovers. In marriage between partners often arise a misunderstanding, very little common interests and after 5 years of marriage problems begin. Compatibility this marriage 50%

Mount of Neptune Palmistry

Now consider the case couples with one line attachments. A person who has one attachment line is very responsible and reliable. Such a person is ideal for a family. If you and your partner with one attachment line, then you are the perfect couple and at Palmistry love compatibility 100%. If the parents are not interfering in the relationship between two people, the marriage will be happy and long-lasting.

Mount of Neptune Palmistry

If at of one partner one attachment line and the second partner have two lines, in this case it is necessary to analyze the man with two lines of attachment. A person with one line very responsible in a marriage, and refers to the category Monogamous.

Man with two lines affections feel two loves. First love is always bad and parting. So, if you have one line of attachment and your partner are two lines and you are his first love, then your love compatibility 20%. But if you the second attachment of his partner, compatibility will be 80%

Mount of Neptune Palmistry

In this example, the marriage will not very strong, because between the partners will often quarrel often occur because of jealousy. A person with one line attachment is very responsibly concerns to their family obligations, family and children are always in the first place. A person with three lines very quickly falls in love and becomes attached to people and throughout his life this man had several failed marriages. They marry late, and between spouses is a not always mutual relation. Love compatibility of about 50%.

Mount of Neptune Palmistry

Despite the unsuccessful first love people with two lines of affection in marriage is very happy. If on the hand two lines of attachment in that case the first love always points to the separation. The second love will be very strong, because the person has experience. If you have and your partner to hand have the two lines, in that case - compatibility of about 90%

Mount of Neptune Palmistry

Love compatibility in such a pair is not very high, as each partner in their lifetime had several attachments. Partners are very emotional and in most cases, each partner was divorced. In palmistry love compatibility is not very high; you should always look at the main line by which one can determine the exact characteristics of a person. The relationship between the partners is not sincere, so compatibility is not more than 40% although, in the early stages there were great passionate feelings.

Mount of Neptune Palmistry

People who have 3 lines of attachment very quickly fall in love but the relationship did is not continued long. Each of the partners had a few amorous attachments and only last love will be successful. Throughout his life, each had a divorce or a failed relationship. In love, they consider themselves unlucky, although there were many partners. High sexuality, attractiveness but love compatibility is not higher than 40%

Mount of Neptune Palmistry

I want to draw attention!

If a person has a fork, point or line affection has a gap it indicates on rupture of relations. Anyone who has this sign always becomes the initiator of parting.

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